Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Updates !

What's happening lately with me ?
  • In May I received my first delivery of meat. Yes, meat. Tons of meat. More than meat the eyes. We pay 40$ each week and once every 4 months, we get a crapload of meat.
  • Observe Exhibit A, our freezer before delivery:
    Now observe Exhibit B: our freezer after delivery:
    As you can see, we are surrounded by meat. The bad thing about this, my girlfriend recently started a diet so I have to eat this all by myself by next delivery, in September. Help !
  • On the Magic the Gathering topic, our small tournament finally ended. I finished second but I blame bad shuffling. Here's a pictures of the order I made with the local card shop.
  • My girlfriend won tickets for the Monster Spectacular show at the PBS. While not a full scale show (for which they need an outdoor venue or the Olympic Stadium in Montreal), it was a pretty entertaining show. I do have to admit, it's a guy show but you get some "drama" to spice it up. The fight during the ATV race was totally fake and one guy flipped his monster truck upside down. The fight was totally hilarious, espcially after the "officials" broke it up and one guy "fainted"...
More update soon, gotta leave !